let's go see something text over a map with a dashed line trail drawn on it

Let’s Go See Something This Year

Oh hey, it’s your boy Brad coming at you with my new travel blog and burgeoning social media empire called Let’s Go See Something. It’s pretty self-explanatory if I ask myself. I’m going to be going to see something and I’ll be sharing with you what I see. I’m in the Tampa Bay area so the content will probably be fairly heavily concentrated close to there for the first while. But there are many cool things to see around here so it should keep us occupied for a bit.

I’ll post things here on the blog as well as on my Facebook page and YouTube channel. (I suppose I need an Instagram and a TikTok as well.) I can’t wait to see what comes of it, it’s been a while now I have been trying to get this off the ground, but things and laziness keep getting in the way! Now, it’s happening. We are going to be seeing so many things!

How many things?

Dang, who knows? At least, like, 20 things by the end of the year. That’s the plan. That should be doable, right? I like to set goals that are achievable and not goals that are virtually insurmountable. Who wants to be coming up on the last day of the month and not have their seeing things quota filled? So we’ll figure out what the 20 things are in posts-to-come and then knock ’em out one by one till they’re done.


Time to go now. I’ve got some work to be doing. Thank you in advance for all the reading, watching, and whatever else you’ll be doing over the next however long on this blog and other platforms. I just know it’s gonna be great and it’s you, the viewer at home, that makes it all possible. Give yourself a hand! Clap, Clap, Clap.


